Manage Themes
In this lesson we are going to learn the process of changing the looks of your Drupal site by changing and installing new themes.
Changing a theme:
1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
2. Click Appearance in the toolbar to go to the Appearance administration page.
3. Click the Enable and set default link of the theme you want to enable and you want to use for your website.
Changing the administration theme:
1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
2. Click Appearance in the toolbar to go to the Appearance administration page.
3. In the Administration theme at the bottom of the page, select the theme you want for your administration panel in the combo box,
4. Click Save configuration.
Installing new theme:
1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
2. Click Appearance in the toolbar to go to the Appearance administration page.
3. Click the Install new theme link.
4. There are two ways to install a theme; you may install it from a URL or browse the theme that you have downloaded on your local computer.
5. Click Install button.