Drupal: Manage Blocks
In this lesson we are going to learn how to create and manage blocks in Drupal.
Blocks are the boxes of content that can be displayed in regions (such as footer or sidebar) on your site.
Creating Blocks:
1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
2. Click Structure in the toolbar.
3. Click the Blocks link.
4. It will display the list of blocks available in your site. Click the Add block link.
5. Fill in the fields:
- Block description: Brief description of your block.
- Block title: Title of the block.
- Block body: Body content of the block.
- Text format: Select the text format you want to use for your block.
Leave the rest to its default settings.
6. Click Save block button.
NOTE: the block that you have created is not placed in the region by default. You will need to drag and drop it into a region in order for it to show up on the site.
Updating Blocks:
1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
2. Click Structure in the toolbar to go to the Block administration page.
3. It will display the list of blocks available in your site.
4. In the operations column click the configure link that corresponds to the block you want to edit.
5. You will proceed to the edit form. Here you can modify your block.
6. Click Save block button.
Deleting Blocks:
1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
2. Click Structure in the toolbar to go to the Block administration page.
3. It will display the list of blocks available in your site.
4. In the operations column click the delete link that corresponds to the block you want to delete.
5. You will be asked if you want to delete the block, click Delete button.
Changing the position of the block:
1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
2. Click Structure in the toolbar to go to the Block administration page.
3. It will display the list of blocks available in your site.
4. In the Region column, there is a dropdown box, select the region where you want to place that specific block.
5. Click Save blocks button.