ELearning System for Computer System Servicing Chapter 1 Chapter I INTRODUCTION In the past few years, numerous enthusiasts have predicted revolution education through the adoption of ELearning Platforms. The promise of educational benefits, anticipated since early days of computer use,…
Barcode Based Attendance System Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
Barcode Based Attendance System Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature RELATED LITERATURE/SYSTEMS Chapter two includes the related literature and studies of Client-Server Event Management System for Student Body Organization. The Client-Server Event Management System for SBO can help the user…
Online Food Ordering System Database Design
Online Food Ordering System Database Design Online food ordering system is a web based platform designed to cater the orders of customer through this platform. This article will provide you with the list of tables and entities for every table…
Programming Tutorial and Capstone Project Ideas July 2020
Programming Tutorial and Capstone Project Ideas July 2020 Health Center Chapter 4 Research Methodology This article is an example capstone documentation of the project entitled health center system. The documentation discusses the research methodology of the project which includes the…
Automated Voting System for High School in C# and MySQL
Automated Voting System for High School in C# and MySQL The project entitled Automated Voting System for High School is a network based application that caters the needs and requirements of a voting procedure for student government council. The project…
Bus Booking System Database Design
Bus Booking System Database Design The project entitled bus booking system is an online platform intended for the travelers and commuters of bus and to the management of the bus company. This article will provide you with the list of…
Dairy Farm Management System in PHP and Bootstrap
Dairy Farm Management System in PHP and Bootstrap The project entitled Dairy Farm Management System is an online platform designed to automate the record keeping and transaction in the operation of dairy farm. The said project was designed and developed…
Point of Sale (POS) System in Python
Point of Sale (POS) System in Python The project entitled Point of Sale System is an information system with database specifically intended to monitor sales and inventory of a business entity. The said project was written in Python with the…
Attendance Monitoring System in VB.Net
Attendance Monitoring System in VB.Net The project entitled Attendance Monitoring System in VB.Net is networks based information system designed and develop in VB.Net, MySQL and SAP Report. Purpose and Description: This project is about the monitoring of student attendance using…
Image Gallery Web Application in PHP and Bootstrap
Image Gallery Web Application in PHP and Bootstrap The project entitled Image Gallery Web Application is an online platform used to manage and archive images, the users can select whether to post the images in a public setting where visitors…