IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Farm Management System The capstone project entitled “Farm Management System” is an online platform that can be accessed by a web browser using the computer, laptops and mobile phones. It is an agricultural database system…
Capstone Proposal on Interactive Student Handbook
Capstone Proposal on Interactive Student Handbook Rationale Paper General Subject Area: Mobile Application Development Specific Topic: Interactive Mobile Based Student Handbook Definition of the Topic The student handbook will serve as guide for students, teachers and parents as well; its…
Person with Disability Information System Database Design
Person with Disability Information System Database Design The capstone project entitled “Person with Disability Information System” is an online platform that connects the records of the barangay to the city management office of person with disability. The core feature of…
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Voting System
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Voting System The capstone project entitled “Voting System” is a computer based version of the manual voting system that uses pen and paper method, instead the researchers developed a database systems that will automate the…
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Faculty Evaluation System
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Faculty Evaluation System The capstone project entitled “Faculty Evaluation System” is a web and mobile based platform that allows the students to evaluate, give ratings and comments to their instructors. The students can use their…
Vehicle Parking Management System Database Design
Vehicle Parking Management System Database Design The capstone project entitled “Vehicle Parking Management System” is a platform that allows an organization to manage their parking transactions, such as the booking and payments. This system will be a benefit and bring…
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Procurement Management System
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Procurement Management System Procurement Management System is a database project used to cater the entire process of procurement system starting from the department planning of annual procurement plan, purchase request, purchase order, vouchering, and inspection.…
Pet shop Management System Database Design
Pet shop Management System Database Design The capstone project entitled “Pet shop Management System” is a platform that allows the different pet shop owners or managers to post and publish their pet and other products on their pet shop. The…
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of OJT Monitoring System
IPO Model Conceptual Framework of OJT Monitoring System OJT Monitoring System is a web based platform intended for the students and OJT coordinators, the system will allow the students to post their accomplishment and daily task on what they have…
Tailor Management System Database Design
Tailor Management System Database Design The capstone project entitled “Tailor Management System” is a platform that allows the tailor to post and publish their products and designs. The system will serve as bridge between the tailor and the customer. Dedicated…