Introduction to Java Programming Before we begin with our lesson proper, let us discuss first a brief overview of Java Programming Language. Java was developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems in 1991 and introduced to the…
Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0
What is Visual Basic? Visual Basic is a high level programming language developed from the earlier DOS version called BASIC. Visual Basic is a Rapid Application Development Tool (RAD) used for developing graphical user interface (GUI) application. With this feature,…
Introduction to HTML will provide new sets of tutorials which includes HTML, CSS, Photoshop , Programming Languages such as Visual Basic, Visual, Java, C#, etc. and we will try to upload video tutorials on the said topics. Keep on visiting for…
PHP mail() function
PHP mail() function In this lesson we are going to show you a sample PHP script on how to send email using the PHP mail() function. PHP mail() function arguments The email address of your recipients Email subject line (ex.…
Determine the PHP version on your server
Determine the PHP version on your server In this lesson, we are going to learn how to determine the PHP version running on our server using codes. Just follow these simple steps: Open any text editor (notepad, notepad ++, etc.).…
PHP Tutorials Compilation
PHP Tutorials Compilation Here are the list of our PHP Lessons and Tutorials Introduction to PHP scripting language PHP Tutorial – Learning the PHP Syntax PHP Tutorial – PHP Basic Data types PHP Variables PHP String Variable PHP if statement…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: DELETE statement
DELETE statement In this lesson we are going to write a PHP script that deletes records in MySQL database using the DELETE statement. We can execute any sql query like insert, update, delete, select etc. using the mysql_query() function. In…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: UPDATE statement
UPDATE statement In this lesson we are going to write a PHP script that updates records in MySQL database using the UPDATE statement. Parameter of UPDATE command: UPDATE – Performs an update MySQL query SET – Updates (assigns new value…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: The ORDER BY Clause
The ORDER BY Clause In this lesson we are going to write PHP scripts that select a records in MySQL and sort it using the ORDER BY clause. Using ORDER BY clause we can sort the data in a recordset…
PHP-MySQL Lesson: The Where Clause
The Where Clause In this lesson we are going to write PHP scripts that select a specific records in MySQL using the WHERE clause Using WHERE clause we can specify a selection criteria to select, update,delete required records from a…