Abstract of Student Attendance System
Technology is one of the reasons of the progress of many institutions especially in digital age, it is necessary for any institution to use a systematic processing for fast transaction. Most of the countries now are using computerized equipment especially in business or in school. Students are being educated through technology to innovate things. The use of computer systems and applications were the ultimate way to take advantage of today’s technology to enhance the productivity and services.

The capstone project entitled “Student Attendance System” can be integrated with barcode scanner or reader since the current identification card contains a barcode which includes the ID number of the students. The purpose of this system is to monitor the attendance of students in the class and for every school events and activities in a timely, efficient and accurate manner.
Core features of the student attendance system will focus on: time-in for attendance, student information encoding, reports generation and database backup.
The system can be able to tabulate the number of entries of each student in the campus. Reports can be automatically generated at the end of the day and then copies will be provided to the faculty for decision-making support purposes.
The development of this project uses System Development Life Cycle Approach (SDLC) approach. The reason of using SDLC approach is because an alternative model of the SDLC focuses on the interaction of planning, analysis, and design tasks which leads to implementation followed by operation and support. Interview and observation of the current processes and method were used as the primary data gathering techniques.
With the implementation of the student attendance system errors and problems encountered in the manual process will be eliminated. The said project will also provide fast and easy way or tracking and recording the student’s attendance in the class and in school activities.

Keywords: Attendance System, Student Attendance, Attendance System Capstone Project
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