Abstract of School Fees Online Payment Gateway
We are now on the pandemic era where we are forced to conduct distant learning and every transaction must be done online. It is the problem the researchers want to address, thus, the researchers conducted a study on online payment that manages the school related fees. The said project is an online platform designed and developed in PHP and MySQL. GCash Payment Solution (API) was used as the primary form of payment option since it does not require a bank account on the users end. The school fees online payment system would also record and monitor the student balances and sends notification and important reminders. Online survey was used to determine the acceptance level and to gather suggestions and recommendations for the betterment of the application. With the positive response from the administration, students and other stakeholders, the researchers recommends the application as an alternative payment solution for it would bring countless benefits to both the school administration and to the students as well.

Keywords: School Fees Payment System, Online School Fees Payment System, Online Payment System using GCash
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