Abstract of Procurement Management System
The capstone project entitled “Procurement Management System” is a network based database driven information system that manages the entire procurement process of the institution starting from annual procurement plan down to vouchering and payment to suppliers.

It was developed using Visual Basic and MySQL/MariaDB, the main purpose of the study was to create centralized and synchronized information among users or personnel who are involved in the processing of supplies and equipment of the institution.
The researchers interviewed employees of a specific institution to gather the information needed to develop the system. It was necessary in order to capture the needs and requirements of the end-users.
Based on the results of the study, the respondents/end-users strongly agreed that the system was functional, maintainable, reliable, and efficient in accordance to their specifications. The researchers recommended for further developments and enhancements of the system specifically converting it into a web and mobile systems.
Keywords: Procurement System, Procurement Management System
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