Abstract of Bus Booking System
The researchers conducted the capstone project entitled “Bus Booking System” to help commuters reserve a seat on the bus via the online application, this will also help the management by promoting innovation to their customers. Bus Booking System was developed in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap using the Rapid Application Development software development life cycle. The said project had undergone several testing and evaluation using standardized set of questionnaires. The evaluation was rated by the end-users (commuters and bus operator management) and IT experts, results showed that by using the said it system, it would make the transactions easier, faster and convenient to both the commuters and management. In the findings of the study, researchers conclude that the “Bus Booking System” meets the requirements of the end-users and it is highly recommended for implementation as an alternative way of reserving a seat on a bus.

Keywords: Bus Booking System, Online Bus Booking System, Bus Booking in PHP and MySQL
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