Abstract of Arduino Based Water Monitoring System with SMS
The capstone project entitled “Arduino Based Water Monitoring System with SMS” is a combination of software and hardware components. Arduino, C++, PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap are the development tools used in the development of the project. The main purpose of the project is to monitor the pH level and the water temperature using sensors. Data captured by the device and sensors will be transmitted to the mobile app and web app of the said system. In addition, a text message or SMS will be transmitted if the parameters exceeds to the normal condition that is being set in the device. Rapid application development was used as the software development life cycle for it allows the researchers and developers to establish a prototype so that the project can be tested in the early stage of the study. With this method, the researchers have improved the capabilities and features of the project based on the inputs, suggestions and recommendations of the tester. The project was also evaluated by the IT experts for additional knowledge and guidance. End-users or the respondents of the study were the last to test the system, this is also known as the user acceptance evaluation. Results showed that the system is very efficient and effective in monitoring the water pH level and temperature. In terms of cost, the project is very affordable and easy to setup. With the implementation of the said project, end-users can now monitor the quality of their pond or aquarium water by just using their laptop, computers, cellphone and other mobile devices.

Keywords: Water Monitoring System, Arduino Water Monitoring, Water Monitoring System with SMS
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