Technology has been rapidly moving towards the modern world. The rapid growth of technology-based type of system influenced the procedures of business establishments, workgroups, institutions, and companies, not only in the private sector but also in the public sector.
Having this kind of technology and being in the field of computer science, the focus must be on how this certain type of technology will affect the procedures being made by a particular institution upon its implementation.
Daily Time Software completely replaces manual time card machines or your hand written time and attendance records.
The researcher will focus primarily in the development of a software application since the study is more about system application involvement in the processes of a certain institution. The aspects and factors that affect an institution having a manual system to an automated or digital type of system are within the scope of the study. (name of company) was chosen being one of the sectors involved in the technological development and for its need of having an automated type of time recording system.
System Features

Main Form of the Program: The main interface of the program in which you can navigate to the different functions and feature of the system.

Employee Form: this is where you encode and manage employee profile.

DTR Form: this is where the employee enters its employee number and password in order for the system to record the time he/she login or logout.

The system in available in Visual Basic with Barcode and Biometrics, we also have .Net version with Biometrics.
Contact us for source code.