A loop is a block of code that enables you to repeat the same set of statements or commands over and over again; the actual number of repetitions may be dependent on a number you specify.
The while loop
The while loop will continue to execute a block of code as long as the specified condition is true and if the condition becomes false the code within the loop will not be executed.
while (condition) { code to be executed; }
<?php $num=1; while($num<=10) { echo "The number is " . $num . "<br />"; $num++; } ?>
The number is 1 The number is 2 The number is 3 The number is 4 The number is 5 The number is 6 The number is 7 The number is 8 The number is 9 The number is 10
In our example we have initialize our $num variable into 1 and the condition is while our $num variable is less than or equal to ten, it will write some output and the loop will continue and it will increase by 1 as the loop runs.