Visual Basic and MySQL Time-in and Time-out Monitoring System

Visual Basic and MySQL Time-in and Time-out Monitoring System
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  • Create Date April 16, 2018
  • Last Updated April 16, 2018

Visual Basic and MySQL Time-in and Time-out Monitoring System

Visual Basic and MySQL Time-in and Time-out Monitoring System

Database schema (librarydtr.sql)

tblcompanysetup (id, companyname, address, contact)

tblusercategory (id, categoryname, description) category = student, staff, faculty, researcher

tblcourse(id, coursecode, coursename)

tbluser(id, lastname, firstname, middlename, contact, course, yearlevel)

tbltimelog(id, userid, daterec, logintime, logouttimes)

Installation Manual (installation.docx)

  1. Install the package, click the setup .exe inside the package folder
  2. Continue the installation.
  3. If the installation goes wrong, process to runasdminfile folder and right click the and select Run as administrator.
  4. It will register the components of the system. Just click the OK button
  5. Open your xampp and start the Apache and MySQL service.
  6. Open your browser (google chrome) and type Select phpMyAdmin.
  7. Click Database Tab, enter the database name which is librarydtr and click Create
  8. Select the database, click the Import Tab, click the Choose File and browse for the sql file then click the Go button. This will import the tables of the database.
  9. Install the mysql connector, mysql connector open the folder and install the mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.26-win32.msi
  10. Open the exe files folder and click the Library.exe

Download Package Components

1. package folder - this folder contains the installer of the project

2. runasdminfile - this folder contains the necessary ocx files for the project to run in your computer, this is used in case the installer will not work.

3. database - it includes the sql file or the database of the project.

4. mysql connector - MySQL Connector/ODBC (sometimes called just Connector/ODBC or MyODBC) is a driver for connecting to a MySQL database server through the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) application program interface (API), which is the standard means of connecting to any database. Users can connect from within common applications and programming environments, such as Microsoft Access or Excel or Borland Delphi. source:

5. exe files -  the executable files of the project

Login Credentials

username: a

password: a

Note: you are free to modify the project based on your needs but don't forget to acknowledge the original author/developer of the project. Happy Programming

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