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Sales and Inventory Management Capstone Documentation
The main objective of the study is to develop and implement computerized sales and inventory with decision support system. The development of this project started with the proponent’s statement of the problem which includes general and specific problems that the current processes of the owner/company encountered. These problems were acquired through different data determination techniques such as observation, interviews, and surveys. Upon knowing the problems and formulating the objectives of the development, the proponents set the scope and limitations of the developed system to determine what the system would be like.
It is specified and clearly explained on Chapter one that the company needs a Computerized System to solve those unnecessary problems. It also includes the current state of the technology that explained the existing processes of the company and it was based on the data gathering activities of the proponents and the definition of the scope of the project that serves as features of the developed system and limitations which serves as the boundaries of the developed system.
The second chapter includes the theoretical background that leads to the terminologies and design of the developed system. This chapter discusses the concepts that are useful and significant in developing the Sales and Inventory with decision Support System.
The third chapter discussed how the problems will be solved by developing a Sales and Inventory with Decision support System. This shows the contents of the developed system by showing the data dictionary which contains all the tables used in the database and the representation of the data flow diagram and entity relationship diagram.
In Chapter four, the proponents conducted series of testing to test the behavior and performance of the developed system. Proponents used test cases; white box and black box testing to help test the developed system. The proponents conducted several surveys from third party which is the IT and non-IT people and lastly conducted validation testing which is done by our advisers to determine if the system works as it is expected.
The fifth chapter presented the conclusion, summary and recommendation of the said project.
The document includes the following topics:
- Proposed Features of the Project
- Objectives of the Study (General and Specific)
- Scope and Limitation
- Decision Support Feature of the System
Visit the online version of Sales and Inventory Management
Sales and Inventory System Database Design
Sales and Inventory Management System in Visual Basic
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