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- File Size 4.12 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date April 20, 2018
- Last Updated April 20, 2018
Grading System with Online Grade Viewing in PHP and MySQL Source code
Grading System with Online Grade Viewing in PHP and MySQL Source code
Database Schema (database design)
class (id, course, year, section, sem, teacher, subject)
log (id, date, activity)
student (id, studid, fname, lname)
studentsubject (id, studid, classid, att1, att2, att3, exam1, exam2, exam3, quiz1, quiz2, quiz3, project1, project2, project3)
subject (id, code, title)
teacher (id, teacherid, fname, lname)
userdata (id, username, password, fname, lname, level)
The download package includes the source code in PHP, User's Manual and the database file as well.
System Features
The system has 3 users, the admin, teacher and the students. The administrator has the full access to the system, he/she is responsible for updating the class lists, encoding of subjects, managing the students and teachers information. The teacher can login to the system and then view the list of subjects assigned to him/her, the teacher can also view and print their students, and finally can input the records of their students such as quiz, project, exam, etc. The student can login to the system and can view their final grades and the details of their grades.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\grading\grading\config.php:8 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\grading\grading\index.php(2): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\grading\grading\config.php on line 8
can you please tell me what the password is?
Login is not working. Please, can you help me?
Thanks for creating a nice webpage for us, who are studying programming!!
username: admin
password: admin
Thanks for your feedback!!
Its not working login using admin/admin, I tried to insert a new user ( using phpmyadmin) but it doesn’t work.
As I use wamp version 3.1 ( php 5.6) I needed to change to mysqli ( connetion and some function to be updated) . But unfortunatelly, when I type admin/admin , it says invalid username/password.
Can you give me a help? Whay am I doing wrong?
the Add Subject option is not working, it says subject added successfully, but in the database there’s none.. can i ask for any remedies? there were errors also in the unit..
we will update the error as soon as possible, thank you for reporting. happy programming!
how did you log in sir ?
the user: admin pass:admin doesnt work.
how can you manage to log in ?
no answer… :(
copy the password from the database.then paste it to user log in
got stuck here (http://localhost:12345/grading2/index.php?login=0) i put the correct user and pass and still invalid. Help please..
admin admin doesn’t work. i can’t acces
sorry the project uses mysql extension which is not supported anymore in php7, we are still developing an upgraded version that will run on php7
Can you reply with a link to a database diagram please?
why cant i add subject and year to the student and cant add load to the teacher.
please help if you can’t I am serously please
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\grading\grading\config.php:8 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\grading\grading\index.php(2): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\grading\grading\config.php on line 8
Lol same
try add i to mysql_
sir can i ask the password?
sir can i ask the password? because the admin/admin is invalid
that is actually an old project and it is not compatible with the latest version of the PHP