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- Create Date February 9, 2019
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Android Based Psychology App Capstone Documentation
Psychology is a broad field of science. In this case, not all branches of psychology are involved, not all psychoanalysis topics are included and explained, No mental records from different histories, not all psychological terms are covered, No search engines. No registrations, login and logout. No adequate results on test given. Not applicable for all devices due to their heterogeneous sizes, it doesn’t fit on different screens not all psychology fields are included, not for all phone users and not for all android devices.
Economic Significance
Economy and Psychology helps to determine our society and our individuality as well. Psychology including our behavior affects microeconomics outcome. They are both sciences of human behavior but they still swings between existence and interactions. Psychology in additions includes social psychology which deals will social interactions including their origins and how it affects people. It also includes economic psychology or behavioral psychology which affects of psychological, social, cognitive and emotional factor on each individual.
The document includes the following topics:
- Introduction of the study
- Background of the Study
- Objectives of the Study (General and Specific Objectives)
- Significance of the Study
- Development Tools
Visit the online version of Android Based Psychology App
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